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The Window of Certainty

Window of Certainty This workshop is most effective when conducted with the whole team present.

A practical guide to creating cohesion, well-being, and an energised sense of shared purpose in your school.

This workshoptaps into the psychology of optimal performance and the neuroscience of human effectiveness to explore practices that enhance the productivity of your school or team. Using the practices demonstrated in this workshop will contribute to the resilience and well-being of everyone on your staff.

The practices described in this program highlight the importance of having a clear vision or purpose, being clear about the outcomesyou are striving for and a common understanding of the strategies that will lead to success. By helping you identify the shared values and helpful beliefs that driveworkplace engagement, this workshopwill make a difference to the culture of your school and the outcomes you achieve.

The program describes in detail the practices that will guide school leaders and staff, step by step, through the process of creating their own 'Window of Certainty'.